Chest pains are among the most disturbing pains for the patient.
The first factor that comes to mind of a patient complaining of chest pain is a heart disease. However, 90% of chest pains are not due to the heart. If the cardiac examinations are also found to be normal, the patient does not need to be suspicious.
Chest pains caused by rheumatic diseases of the chest muscles are common. In addition, blows to the rib cage during traffic accidents can lead to the development of sensitive points in the chest muscles and severe pain.
In the same way, even after the ribs broken by an impact, they can cause very severe pain in the form of a knife stabbing, which we call neuralgia, and electric shock. The intensity of the pain can be enough to make it difficult for the patient to breathe.
Inflammation of the muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities, namely the diaphragm, and the inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the lung, which we call the pleura, can also cause chest pains.
Masses that grow excessively in the abdomen, gas can cause chest pain by pressing upwards. Chest pains can also be seen during various diseases of the esophagus.
During lung inflammations, pneumonia and tuberculosis, chest pain that hits the side especially occurs. In addition to all these, lung and esophageal cancers can cause very severe pain, especially in advanced periods.
Treatments are made according to the cause. Drug treatments, Acupuncture, Ozone Applications, Phytotherapy, Nerve Blockages, Intercostal Nerve Blockage, Neurolytic nerve blockade, Pulsed Radtofrequency Thermocoagulation treatment are applied.
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